At Thrive & Shine Functional Wellness, we empower professional, high-achieving women to take control of their health as they navigate the complex changes as they age.

Jennifer DeYoung, Owner & Founder

7 Systems: Thrive & Shine Body Balance Program

Proven Steps to Amazing Health Transformations and Lasting Weight Loss

Most weight loss hacks don’t work, but a few are proven and very powerful.

We understand that every woman’s aging journey is unique and there is no one-size fits all approach. We work with you to address your individual health challenges, develop a plan to achieve your health goals, and walk beside you through the process - because our primary goal is to have you thriving, not just surviving, through these life changes.

  • "The body maintains balance in only a handful of ways. At the end of the day, disease occurs when these basic systems are out of whack."

    - Dr. Mark Hyman

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…who are on a mission to discover what is causing their health issues no matter what stage of life they are in.

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7 Functional Tips To Speed Up Your Metabolism & Have Consistently High Energy

Get started with Thrive & Shine Functional Wellness, today.