Are You Experiencing Chronic UTIs As You Approach Menopause?

Have chronic UTIs been an issue for you as you’re approaching menopause or already menopausal?

Why does it seem like traditional therapies aren’t helping you?

Some factors that may lead to a UTI can be:

- changes in immune function

- chronic inflammation

- diabetes 

- kidney stones

One reason you’re not getting better is because you are told to address the symptoms by taking over the counter or prescription medication.

Watch our full video here!

Functional medicine addresses recurring UTIs by identifying the root cause of the problem rather than just treating the symptoms.

A few tips to get you started on preventing UTIs include:

- removing irritating hygiene products

- consuming certain types of foods/drinks

- taking steps to support your gut health

- balance hormones

- support your immune system

- adding antiinflammatory foods

- adding supplements

- good overall hygiene 

- stress reduction techniques

By taking a more comprehensive approach, addressing the problem and creating a personalized plan, we can really get the results that you’re looking for.

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