High Protein Diets & Coffee May Be Putting Your Health At Risk

Ladies, if you’re perimenopausal or menopausal, your coffee and high protein diet may put you at risk for fractures, osteoporosis, and osteopenia.

Studies show that despite hormone replacement therapy, vitamin D and calcium supplementation, there’s an increased risk of fracture among women starting menopause at age 40 or earlier.

It’s critical that we get enough protein in our diet and we perform strength training exercises to keep the muscles and bones strong.

But if we’re still taking in foods that sabotage our bones such as high amounts of protein with a ketogenic diet and a large amount of coffee, these contribute to high acid levels.

Most people are completely unaware that they have osteoporosis until they fall and fracture a bone.

Osteoporosis is something we can prevent by staying aware of our nutrition, exercise and lifestyle choices.

Watch our full video here!

Our bodies fall into dysfunction for 3 main reasons:

1. Ongoing inflammation

2. Oxidative stress

3. Immune system dysfunction

It takes investigation and looking into your personal factors to learn the root cause of your issues.

I’d be happy to send you a free questionnaire to figure out where your issues fall and I can also help you with a personalized lifestyle plan with a free 45 minute consultation.

Just click the link HERE!


Wake Up, Overwhelm, No Sleep, Repeat!


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