How Your Meal Plan Could Make or Break Your Health

How many meal plans have you tried over the years to simplify life and support your health?

If you’re like many people, there’s probably more than one. They may have names like Mediterranean, Paleo, Keto, or more general low carb and simple monthly meal planning. The list of options is long. What plan to choose can be confusing.

Here’s how to choose the right one for you.

Consider your personal health goals.

Health is obviously a big priority for us here. Food can either nourish and support wellness or lead us down the road to illness. It is foundational and should be personalized to you and your health goals.

Do you have specific goals like weight loss or heart health?

Do you have conditions that require a meal plan to manage and even help solve them, like autoimmunity or diabetes?

Have you had DNA testing done and found that you need a specific type of food plan?

What works best for your partner, friends, or favorite Instagram influencer may not be what works best for you and your health. 

Consider your time.

Life can be a blur with work, family, friends, activities, and all the basics of life, like sticking to a healthy meal plan. It’s all many can do to get it all done, even without planning, shopping, and cooking something delicious every night of the week. For others, planning, shopping, and cooking is a high priority and an enjoyable part of the week. Consider your time and preferences. Some meal plans require more time than others to pull off. Some meal plans leave room for convenience options, making them easy to fit into busy schedules, and others do not. You may even want to think about convenient and healthful meal options that take all the work out of the equation to maximize your time.

Consider cost.

There is a BIG range of costs for meal planning - both upfront and hidden. Weigh these costs carefully and how they align with your goals and priorities. Higher quality, specialty items, and pre-prepared foods can be a higher cost but save time. Other lower-cost foods may require more prep time (think whole foods like dried beans and grains) or sacrifice nutrition and quality. These are the hidden costs. Weigh the costs carefully to make sure you’re in alignment with your goals and priorities.

Food is a massive part of our lives, with several meals eaten per day (plus snacks!). It is one of the most significant opportunities we have to change our health for better or worse.

What meal plan do you follow to support your health?


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