Are Your Hormones Making You Feel Crazy?

Are your hormones making you feel crazy?

Welcome to menopause…or is it?!

I help women, especially in their middle years, navigate this transition from feeling insane to becoming inspired and back in control of their life.

- insomnia

- moodiness

- depression

- anxiety 

- brain fog

- belly area weight gain

- hot flashes

- night sweats

- low libido 

Sound familiar? All of those are typical symptoms of menopause, which is a normal process that women go through beginning sometime in midlife or sometimes sooner. The intensity of these symptoms can range from mild to severe. Mood and mental health issues during this time are very common.

Watch our full video here!

If you’ve had bloodwork done and it all looks normal, your doctor may decide to prescribe you some antidepressants to try to help with the symptoms.

Will they help a little? Possibly, but you’re not really supporting your body's transition or addressing it from a holistic view. You’re just masking a few of the symptoms and not addressing the real root of the issue.

As opposed to too little estrogen, you could also have too much estrogen in your body, which is a different issue. Either way, it causes undesirable symptoms. 

Our bodies experience dysfunction and imbalance for 3 major reasons:

1. ongoing inflammation

2. immune system issues

3. oxidative stress

Take a personalized approach to your unique situation and discover the true reason behind your hormonal mess, especially if what you’ve tried hasn’t helped or it seems like it’s too soon to be experiencing these symptoms and you continue to have questions.

We can get you a focused plan to treat your body in the way it needs it most, which is what I finally did after years of suffering.

I was able to turn my situation around quickly, in fact, in a matter of weeks.

It truly inspired me to help other women with these issues too.

Just click the link HERE!


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