You May Not Need Medication to Correct Hair Loss

Did you know that you don’t necessarily need to take thyroid medication to correct your hair loss and other symptoms of a dysfunctional thyroid?

If your blood work shows that your thyroid levels are abnormal, you could be prescribed medication to correct this but that’s probably not where you’re going to want to start.

My mission is to help women in their middle years combat their bloating, hair loss and brain fog among other issues and regain their health, energy and overall vitality that’s so important as we age.

Hair loss is one of the more common symptoms especially in cases of hypothyroidism.

There are medications that can lift the levels of thyroid in your blood and you may notice that you feel better for a little while but not long term.

Maybe we should consider what else could be going on in your body.

Watch our full video here!

With a functional approach, we take a deeper dive and address the underlying root causes that could be contributors to thyroid dysfunction.

Nutrient deficiency and stress could be big factors in your thyroid problems and those can be addressed easily. 

A standard medication approach is a lot different than taking a functional medicine approach where we identify and address the underlying root causes of thyroid dysfunction.

If this sounds like something that you want to look into, click the link below.

Just click the link HERE to book a call!


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