Your Symptoms Have A Root Cause

Are you depressed? Or is it menopause? 

I empower women, especially during their middle years that are struggling with low energy, brain fog and digestive issues, to regain their vitality and mental clarity so they can get back to winning at life.

Here’s the scenario: you’re really stressed out with your day to day tasks at work, rushing home to take care of your kids including their extra events, get dinner on the table, spend time with them and later make time for your partner if you have anything left at all in your bucket.

Over time, you notice the pounds are creeping up, difficulty concentrating, you’re moody, losing hair, anxious, night sweats, and good sleep is a thing of the past.

You’ve probably tried all the advice from your friends, you’ve seen your doctor and had your labs done but they come back normal.

Their suggestions are antidepressants and if that doesn’t work, hormonal therapy. 

I know exactly how this goes because this was me.

This was in my late 30s and I ended up just giving up trying to find answers from other people.

Watch our full video here!

There’s a lot of conflicting information out there, and I gave up for a while.

I remember wishing I could find the root cause of my problems. But, instead I was just getting bandaid patch jobs to mask the symptoms. 

So I took matters into my own hands and started to learn more about root cause medicine, also known as functional medicine. I learned more as to why I was going through it so early in life. I learned that hormone therapy may not be the direct root for everyone. 

I learned some very interesting things, especially about how unique we are, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. That one exercise and a fad diet isn’t going to work for everyone.

Our bodies become imbalanced for 3 major reasons:

1. Unresolved chronic inflammation

2. Immune system dysfunction

3. Oxidative stress

It could even be a combination of all 3. 

Making a few small tweaks can really make a big difference with calming these down.

For me personally, it made a world of difference and I felt tremendously better in less than a few weeks.

If you can relate, I invite you to leave your name in the comments and I’ll send you a questionnaire that can begin to help pinpoint where the true problems are for you.

I am so passionate about this and I want you to get the results that will help you thrive and give you that vibrant life that you were meant for.

Also, if you’re ready to get a personalized plan for your health, I’d love to set up a free 45 minute call with you.

Just click the link HERE!


Why So Moody? (Even When It’s Not That Time of The Month)