Why So Moody? (Even When It’s Not That Time of The Month)

Ladies, why are you so moody - even when it’s not that time of the month?

I get it! Maybe you feel out of control, you’re anxious, depressed, irritable, gaining weight and even noticing hair growth in places you don’t want.

You’ve probably seen your doctor and had some basic blood work done, and you were prescribed anti-anxiety medications, but it doesn’t seem to make that great of a difference - you still feel like you’re on edge.

So is anxiety the real problem, or could there be something else going on?

One possibility for this scenario could be that there is too much estrogen  circulating in your system. It’s called estrogen dominance.

A reason this may have occurred is because we fight a daily battle with toxin exposure and it results in a lot of symptoms I just described.

Watch our full video here!

For example, we’ve all heard about BPA, which is a compound found in our plastic containers and even store receipts. They are endocrine disruptors and can actually mimic estrogen in your body.

Some people cannot eliminate toxins as well as others because they actually lack a certain gene.

Toxins get stored in fat and when you have more toxins than your body can handle, you gain weight to store these extra toxins.

So trying to lose weight and quickly gaining it back creates a toxic storm which leads to stress and chronic illnesses inside the body.

What we really need is a more holistic view of what’s going on with your body.

There are 3 main reasons that our body is falling to dysfunction:

1. chronic inflammation

2. oxidative stress

3. immune system issues

Sometimes, it can be a combination of those things.

I’m here to help you figure out what is going on in your body. Let’s get it under control so you can move on with your life and thrive.

Or feel free to go ahead and book a call with me using the link below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Just click the link HERE!


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