How Bad Are Your Cravings?

There’s that feeling again that you just have to have a bagel or pasta or potato chips -or maybe you have a sweet tooth. Either way, you know you are craving carbs.

But why? And how do you stop it?

There’s a few possible reasons for cravings, but it does come down to a some core factors: 

  1. Blood sugar imbalances: when your blood sugar drops, you crave carbs because they provide quick energy and stabilize blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, consuming those carbs could lead to a spike in blood sugar that is followed by a crash.

  2. Stress: when the body releases the hormone cortisol, carb cravings are triggered as a response.

  3. It’s a habit, one that can feel tricky to break.

  4. Nutrient deficiencies: cravings can be your body’s way of signaling you about a deficiency in certain nutrients, like sodium, potassium, and B or C vitamins, to name a few. 

  5. Emotional factors: sometimes you’re just plain bored. Anxiety and depression can also contribute to craving carbohydrates.

If you continue to experience these persistent cravings, it’s time to look into your overall lifestyle and diet habits. Ask yourself if you’re eating enough fiber, protein, and healthy fats? Are you getting enough sleep, exercise, and managing your stress effectively?

Underlying root causes are super important to address so you can rebalance yourself and reduce these cravings overtime. 

I’m Jen Deyoung, I’m an occupational therapist and functional medicine practitioner. 

My mission is to help women, especially in their middle years who are combating the symptoms of menopause like bloating, brain fog, insomnia, night sweats, and depression– to get them to feel better, more vibrant, energetic and just flat out amazing again.

If you need help with your health issues, use the link below to book a call with me and find out how we can help you.

Just click the link HERE to book a call!


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