Has Brain Fog Been Ruining Your Life?

Are you feeling like your brain - and your life - have been hijacked by brain fog?

It’s a very prevalent symptom of menopause but it can also occur as a result of other conditions.

The good news is you can do something about it!

I believe eliminating it is possible using a functional medicine approach, where we identify and address the root factors that cause it all together. 

What are those root causes? They can be different for everyone but here are a few common causes:

  • nutritional deficiencies 

  • chronic inflammation due to 

    • food sensitivities

    • excessive environmental toxins

  • hormone imbalances

  • sleep issues

What I aim to do is take a deep dive into these causes, see where the imbalances are and take positive steps from there.

We will make changes in your lifestyle, give special attention to your nutrition and possibly some supplements to regain balance in your system.

If I can overcome brain fog, so can you!

I’m Jen DeYoung, I’m an occupational therapist and functional wellness practitioner. 

My mission is to help women, especially in their middle years who are combating the symptoms of menopause like bloating, brain fog, insomnia, night sweats, and depression– to get them to feel better, more vibrant, energetic and feel amazing!

If you need help with your health issues, use the link below to book a call with me.

Just click the link HERE to book a call!


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