Weight Loss Versus Fat Loss

Should you worry about weight loss during menopause?

I would say no, don’t worry about “weight loss”. Wait, what?

I know you’ve heard of all the different ways to lose weight, but we really need to focus on how to lose the additional fat that we tend to gain during this time in our lives.

Let’s talk about why this happens in the first place, so that the root causes of it can be addressed in the right way.

  1. Our metabolism will naturally slow down at this point in life

  2. Hormonal changes are expected, including the decline in estrogen levels during menopause

  3. We lose about 1% of our muscle mass each year after age 30, and this is only accelerated during menopause

  4. Menopause can also bring about sleep issues, which then cause increased hunger and cravings 

  5. We experience more stress because, well, menopause is just a stressful change

A lot of what you hear about weight loss involves hacking our systems but what you need is sustainable weight loss. This is going to involve regularly

  • Eating foods that are high in protein and fiber

  • Getting regular exercise including strength training

  • Getting enough sleep

  • Managing stress

Looking deeper into our root causes can help us improve our hormones' balance a little more naturally in many cases.

I’ve been through what you’re experiencing and I can tell you first hand, taking a functional approach is the way to go.

I’m Jen Deyoung, I’m an occupational therapist and functional medicine practitioner. 

My mission is to help women, especially in their middle years who are combating the symptoms of menopause like bloating, brain fog, insomnia, night sweats, and depression– to get them to feel better, more vibrant, energetic and just flat out amazing again.

If you need help with your health issues, use the link below to book a call with me.

Let’s book a call and find out how we can help you.

Just click the link HERE to book a call!


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