What Do All Your Symptoms Have In Common?

Let me ask you a question.. What do insomnia, brain fog, seasonal allergies, joint pain, digestive issues, and weight gain all have in common?

Is it just aging? No, the answer is inflammation.

You could be taking medications, supplements and working hard on getting a good night's sleep but you’re still not making the connection between all of these problems.

There is one thing that is the common thread between all of them and until you address that one thing, medications are just going to be a short term bandaid and mask the issue.

So what is the one thing?

It all comes down to the gut. When our system gets off balance, so does the bacteria in the gut.

Watch our full video here!

The gut and brain connection is a real thing. 

Inflammatory responses in the body is a normal thing but chronic inflammation is not normal and definitely isn’t beneficial for us.

We know now that inflammation is a big root cause for many of our health problems.

My mission is to help women, especially in their middle years who are combating the symptoms of menopause like bloating, brain fog, insomnia, night sweats, and depression– to get them to feel better, more vibrant, energetic and just flat out amazing again.

Let’s book a call and find out how we can help you.

Just click the link HERE to book a call!


Your Menstrual Cycle and Inflammation


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